The Mind of Christ
The actual purpose is to reconcile man back to God.
And the first thing he did was to die to cover the sinful nature of man.
The second purpose is to show us a lifestyle. The lifestyle is to be emulated and the amount of the lifestyle you are able to emulate shows your maturity in Christ Jesus.
Your assignment as a Christian is to be like Christ.
Have the lifestyle of God in terms of wisdom, because wisdom is profitable to direct.
We can not live in our own understanding.
As a Christian you should also abide by the law of the land.
As a Christian we should be merciful and compassionate.
Another mindset is to see people and not be judgemental.
Have a forgiving spirit.
Be very prayerful,in everything you do, you have to pray, take time to pray.
The lifestyle of faith.
The mindset of boldness.
One powerful weapon of the devil is fear.
As a Christian it is expected of us to be bold.