It is that time of the year when you feel you have not done enough.
So many times, we get worried about things that we think we should have done and achieved.
So many times, we feel we should have done this and done that, we feel we should have reached a certain stage, oh yes, it is very important that you feel this way.
It is very good that you think of things you should have achieved, you must want to get to a particular stage at a particular time.
But you know what is the killer of all these things?
Regrets have done more harm than good in the lives of so many, thereby leading them into depression, making them feel they are far behind, and making them feel like the worst person without a future.
Some other times, these regrets turn to self-hatred as one begins to feel unimportant and insignificant because he or she is yet to achieve a particular thing or get to a particular position.
You need to taste and long for the good things of life but it is also paramount to note that it takes a process for these things to become a reality.
One essential thing you must note is that in as much as you gave your best, then you are enough and it is just a matter of time for you to achieve your best because you are undergoing a process.
Now is that time of the year when so many people dot their I’s and cross their T’s, while you might be doing that as well, do not regret your shortcomings, rather, it is for you to make a move on how those shortcomings can turn into greater achievements.
Let me also make it known to you that you can never do enough, but it is a funny reality because we are humans and we keep wanting more.
So when you look at others and their achievements, celebrate them, cheerlead them, and do not forget that this is not the time to look down on the achievements of others but for us to celebrate together.