


Henry Ford who had a dream to produce his famous V-8 motor chose to build an engine with the entire eight cylinders cast in one block and instructed his engineers to produce a design for the engine.
The design was placed on paper, but the engineers agreed, to a man, that is simply impossible to cast an eight-cylinder engine-block in one piece.

Ford said, produce it anyway.
But they replied that it was impossible.
Go ahead, Ford commanded, and stay on the job until you succeed no matter how much time is required.
Sometimes we find ourselves in the midst of those who feel something can not be done.
This is because they have this feeling that it would be impossible, even without first giving it a try.
While we might have such people in our lives, it is very important to note that we should never allow their noisy negatives to get at us or influence us.

You have a choice to make a Yes or No, as this is one major decision that can either make or Mar you.
Do you also know that your ability to make decisions regardless of whatever is been said is very important, therefore you have to set into action, to let the noisy negatives not have a step to discourage you.

Now let me ask this, are you a NOISY NEGATIVE?

You need to stop.
A noisy negative doesn’t do anything but limit someone.
Are you always been negative when someone tries to make a decision?

It’s high time you stop thinking about the impossible and let the possibility take over.

Being a noisy negative is a major way to destruction as this results in self-pity.


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