The word USER has been confined to fit into a box.

When you hear USER, you immediately think of that person who is coming after you because of the financial or material help they can get from you.

Sometimes we even imagine a love affair where one party has used and dumped the other lol

Yes! The word USER can be apt in describing the above scenario, however there are other ways a USER can also manifest.

In year 2020, pay attention so you do not fall a victim of USERS.

At your work place do not fall into the hands of a USER.

Any colleague who dangles anything before you for your loyalty and in order to get anything in return is a USER.

Don’t allow anyone drag you into a mob at your place of work in order to bully others.

Such people are USERS and it never ends well, so activate your discerning spirit in 2020

Don’t allow any man or woman offer you a help for your body.

Be bold, be courageous, trash whatever it is they are offering and WALK!

The satisfaction and self respect you get from walking is AWESOME!

Allow your values to always be above your desires, this is the ideal way of living.

When your mindset grows to this point, then nothing moves or shakes you.

You are able to walk away from anything that does not align with your values.

Users come in different packages, they can shower you with gifts, attention, praises, because they have an end in mind.

Be careful so you do not become a PAWN in the hands of USERS in 2020.

Be discerning and vigilant.

Stay focused and intentional this year

Don’t fall victim of USERS.

I wish you positive vibes and positive energy only this year.

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