There is no gender inequality in heaven.

I had a conversation with a man yesterday on a Facebook thread on why men should avoid domestic violence. He agreed with my stand, but went ahead to say something funny, he said he hates violence but men have devised a means to “punish” their wives, and that it would pain her more than beating her.
And what is this thing that some of our men have devised in order to punish us oo? Adultery! And that if you push your man outside, another woman would gladly receive him. We kept on in our discussion and he concluded that we should just remain godly in our marriages, I presume this to mean women should remain godly in their marriages, because there is no way someone who is of the opinion that adultery is a tool to punish women in marriages also believes men can be godly too, in his world, women are the only ones who must be godly in marriages in order to keep an over grown baby of a husband in good behaviour.

And this beggars the question, does these category of Christians think there is marriage in heaven?

Do they they think on the last day we will be judged according to our gender?

Do they think our almighty God will give a pass to “ungodly men in marriages” then go ahead to judge every woman based on her marital godliness?

Dear man, stop living in deception, if you are a christian, all of us would be judged according to the works of our hands without gender bias.
Stop deceiving women by throwing the gender card while you gallivant around town and live in impunity.

Stop forcing your selfish believes on naive women in order to keep them in captivity.
Both men and women are responsible for building a beautiful and a successful marriage,
godliness is not gender biased.

Dear woman, you have one life to live, do not be deceived and manipulated.
You deserve to live a peaceful and a purposeful life. Say no to anyone who wants to keep you in religious bondage and take away your peace.
Have a beautiful weekend ahead.


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