Cyberbullying is one cankerworm that has eaten deep into the social media space amd there is no exception to who could become a victim.
The cleanest, scandal free and strongest people have become a victim of cyber bullying at one time or the other.
As long as you use the social media space actively you are not far from being a victim of cyber bullying because the truth is that some people will not like you and they are waiting for you to make a mistake.
The most dangerous part of cyberbullying is that it could hit you hard at anytime which makes it more dangerous, mental health challenging and often times life threatening.
A lot of people have committed suicide in the western world as a result of cyber bullying.
A lot of people have sunk into depression or deleted their social media account as a result of cyber bullying on the Nigeria social media space.
These predators are actually waiting for you to slip so you can become their victim.
My dislike for bullying or cyberbullying did not start now, as a matter of fact, I was reading through my blog sometimes ago in January and I saw a post I did sometimes in April 2016 when I just started blogging, it was about cyber bullying.
It is amazing and deeply humbling for me that one of the same tactics I suggested in that article on how to deal with cyber bullies was one of the tactics and defense “Aunty Ajo” a character in ‘Life on the Street of Readlooks’ also suggested among many other defenses and ways to maintain your social media space healthily.
I didn’t even remember that I had written a blog article about cyberbullying while writing the book.