Oluwatosin Arodudu’s Book “Identity” Will Help You Define Your Purpose

Life Coach and foremost Publisher; Oluwatosin Arodudu’s new book is fast becoming an Amazon best seller, because of the depth of the content as it reflects every area of humanity.

As humans, our identity is our passport to navigating through life, aligning with our purpose and having total control of our emotions.The book is an eye opener for me, the powerful highlight on the cover says; “Self Discovery, “Purpose” and Leadership”. Three elements of success everyone should possess.

As a human being, self discovery is the compass to living life truthfully. That much I learnt from this very informative book.

As a leader, having total control of your emotions is very important , especially your reaction to criticism, which could stem from a place of sincerity or jealousy. Your power os response is key and you need to be able to practice humility even if you don’t like it, like Tosin said in the book.

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Your Identity is like a Chakra bracelet worn for clarity. Without an identity, you could end up becoming a floater in the world, beaming your light under people’s shadow, Tosin highlights this clearly in most of the chapters.

At a point, I had to put down the book, to do a quick personality dimension test on myself, I used my life as a mirror and Tosin’s strong message of confronting your personality and being truthful to “Self” as my compass, the result scared the wits out of me. I thought I had ticked every channel of my being from my one year Inter-personal communication certification programme, but here was I confronted by the truth of my imperfection, my human loopholes, my vulnerability and fear of failing and falling (F.OF)

The book which tells the story of Oluwatosin’s travails with mind entrapment, and takes you through her journey to Self Discovery, Purpose and Leadership, teaches valid lessons on coming out of a perpetual state of mental helplessness, and living a purposeful life.

It is a book for aspiring leaders and leaders going through turmoil as a result of their strong personality. It coaches leaders with strong personality on how to master, manage and weaponize their emotions to their own advantage, both as individuals and leaders in their sphere of influence.

I am glad to have bought copies,and even donated to couple of folks within my Network. I told my Mentee, don’t read to give me feedback, read to own your identity, I am sharing the same message with you right now. Take charge with a leap of faith, and Grab a copy on Amazon HERE 

IDENTITY can also be bought right on this article by clicking on the embedded ad, it will take you straight to Amazon.

You can also get to purchase this amazing book in Nigeria via Oluwatosin’s publishing website, www.hadarcreations.com

This is a book that will stand the test of time, because the world will always have leaders, and leaders will always be in positions of power, that reflects on our daily lives.

Review made by Esther Ijewere, the founder of Women of Rubies and Men Inspired.

Link to full article can be found HERE

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