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Have you ever been eager to carry out a task yet you keep trying but it doesn’t seem productive?

I layed down on my bed thinking of what next to do, I felt drained and that is what happens when you try to carry out a task and it’s not been productive, you find yourself trying to fix a particular problem and it feels like the problem has come to destroy you because of course, you can’t stop trying yet you are stuck with no improvements.

At this point, you would feel frustrated, you might you are not up to the task, do you also know that at a time you might feel so much hatred for what you are trying to do, you would feel like quitting.

Feeling bad about such a situation is normal.
At this point, you are not expected to quit.

You need to REST.

Do you ever feel guilty for resting?

I thought to take a rest, then I remembered I have so much to do, I outlined them and I realized that this is way too much for me to take a minute rest.
Time is not on my side.

I picked up my phone to do a little work.
Hell no!
I feel blank, I became touchy, eager to do things I know should be done.
But then all equipment is not trying to be productive.

While my mental health is trying to take the better part of my existence at that time, I realized that what I needed was rest.

Resting does not mean quitting.

Don’t feel guilty for RESTING.


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